Around the castle, the ‘HistoCam Promenade’ enables you to re-discover the Courtyard of the château as it would have been under the Duke and King Henri II Plantagenêt. Once inside, our innovativeHistopad technology allows visitors to discover all the rooms in the château that have now been completely reconstructed in their 12th Century form.
The furniture, decor, and artefacts are displayed in a highly realistic setting depicting the daily life of the Anglo-Norman kingdom, creating a highly immersive experience.
The Histopads at the Residence of William the Conqueror are seamlessly integrated into the historic site’s new scenography, and are available to all visitors for no extra fee. Since their inauguration, the castle has seen a sharp increase in visitors. Between 2013 and 2015, the number of guests per year has risen dramatically, increasingfrom 40,000 to over 70,000.