Augmented visit
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“ À Paris, une exposition immersive et gratuite plonge les visiteurs dans l’histoire de Notre-Dame „
“ De sa construction jusqu'à nos jours, Notre-Dame se révèle en réalité virtuelle „
“ Augmented reality takes Notre-Dame visitors back in time „
“ The hi-tech exhibition showcasing the history of Notre-Dame „
“ Exposition : au Collège des Bernardins, Notre-Dame renaît sur écrans „
“ Notre-Dame de Paris renaît en 3D au Collège des bernardins „
“ Nous avons essayé l'expo en réalité augmentée sur l'histoire glorieuse et tragique de Notre-Dame de Paris „
“ Plongez dans l'histoire de Notre-Dame „
“ The history of Notre Dame cathedral, in augmented reality „
“ Notre-Dame - Une redécouverte virtuelle „
“ Notre-Dame de Paris, l'Exposition Augmentée „
“ Augmented reality takes Notre-Dame visitors back in time „
“ AR tour of Notre-Dame „
“ Notre-Dame de Paris en réalité augmentée „
“ Exposition universelle de Dubaï : les 5 innovations que la France veut exporter à l'international „
“ Expo 2020 Dubai: How France used AR technology to bring Notre-Dame de Paris to life „
“ Dubaï, la France s'expose „
“ [新闻直播间]迪拜 2020年迪拜世博会 展现浪漫与创新 „
“ Notre-Dame: Immerse yourself in 850 years of history with Histovery at the Pavillon de France „
“ Dubaï World Expo: immersion in Notre-Dame and Antarctica at the French pavilion „
“ Notre-Dame de Paris, l'Expérience, par Histovery et L'Oréal „
“ ASOM opens D-Day exhibit „
“ France Pavilion launches Notre-Dame augmented reality experience at Expo 2020, detailing cathedral’s history and reconstruction „
“ Expo 2020 : de Diderot à la visite virtuelle de Notre-Dame, visite guidée du Pavillon France „
“ Augmented reality to re-enchant cultural heritage „
“ The Time Machine „
“ 3D brings castles back to life „
“ 75 years later, French HistoPad offers new view of D-Day „
“ D-Day Freedom from Above Exhibit „
“ Eleven museums and memorials honoring the 75th anniversary of D-Day „
“ On the silver tablet „
“ The Virtual Reality Revolution „
“ Bringing a modern twist to castle visits „
“ It re-enchants our historical heritage „
“ Renaissance 2.0 „
“ Bois-Héroult, the future at the service of the past „
“ The Time Machine „
“ Historical sites turn a corner with RA „
“ Amboise Castle equips itself with 400 HistoPad, the digital time machine „
“ Castle life will soon be for everyone thanks to augmented reality „
“ Histovery: Augmented reality at the service of visits „
“ In the corridors of Time with HistoPad „
“ Avignon: A little more HistoPad of the Pope’s Palace ? „
“ In Chambord, a digital tablet takes us to the Renaissance „
“ How Histovery digitalizes cultural heritage „
“ Whether on a pontoon or on a tablet, you can see further and further at the Pic du Midi „
“ Histovery presents the cultural visit of the future „
“ Pic du Midi, at the peak of science „
“ French Tech: Will start-ups save France? „
“ When Augmented Reality lets you traver through time… „
“ The technology we have today is being used to take us back to that time „
“ Pixii, time for convergence „
“ 5 technological innovations in museums „
“ Thanks to HistoPad, we can visit Conciergerie in Augmented Reality „
“ D-Day remembered through augmented reality „
“ HistoPad boosts the audience „
“ The Pope’s Palace in Avignon revisited by Augmented Reality „
“ Histovery presents the Heritage Days 2.0 „
“ Histovery is revolutionizing the audio-guide with Augmented Reality „
“ HistoPad, musei in … mano „
“ Pic du Midi : travel back in time with the HistoPad „
“ Avignon, the Popes' palace in augmented reality „
“ La France bouge „
“ Meeting with Histovery : the creators of a time travel tablet „
“ Macron outlines vision of start-up nation „
“ A 3D Time Travel „
“ Avignon : immergez-vous dans la vie papale du XIVe siècle „
“ Bringing the past into the future „